Back to Blogging: Now as an official WAHM

Back to Blogging: Now as an official WAHM

working at home

I could not believe that my last post was in 2014. That was 4 years ago and I only have one kid at that time. Now I am a well-versed mom of three, though I am still learning new things each day.

The past 4 years had taught me so many things which made me the person I am today. I am glad that after all the worse trials and tribulations, I am still standing here, living and breathing by God’s grace.

Let us now fill in the gaps of the past 4 years. In 2015, I gave birth to my son, who is my second child. He is so precious. But along with his birth, there are many financial difficulties which we have experienced.

money problems

During that period, we went from one place to another, wandering helplessly because of our financial ignorance. I am a little young that time, but not too young. However, there was no one there to teach me how to be financially responsible and equipped for the future.

I do not want my other relatives, most especially my siblings to experience those same difficulties. So now, I want to break the cycle and let them be financially educated as early as possible. I always tell them, “Save for the rainy days.”

What helped us a lot to overcome our trials in 2015 was my part-time job as a content writer. That job was really low-paying than my present job. But what I did was to work like a carabao (work hard with heavy loads). I do not want my eldest to be hungry because she was still bottle-feeding and I thank God that my son was breastfeeding that time. Luckily, my husband got a new job.

In 2016, there are still many turning points in our lives. I think that God is really preparing us well for the blessings to come. We are still on the verge of difficulties. My husband was not earning enough and I cannot earn enough, as well.

We also went through many other problems, which made me depressed. But thankfully, God moved one of my friends to reach out to me. They helped me regain my strength and they let me know that I am loved by God.

In 2017, we moved to another place which we did not expect to live in. But by Gods grace, many blessings had poured unto us while we were there. That was the most amazing year of our life so far. It was the time when we experienced so many changes and miracles. I got a full-time home-based job, and I also became pregnant with my third child.

homebased job

Now, in 2018, we have finally turned our backs from our old ways and decided to walk each day with Jesus. Of course, we are still works-in-progress and we still have our weaknesses. But we put our hope in Christ that we shall continue to walk with him and be good stewards of his blessings.


Right now, I want to continue sharing the many wonders of my imperfect life and how amazing our God is through this blog.